Childhood Development...
Below are our articles on the subject of Childhood Development. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
Brain Gym
Brain gym is a program widely used in UK schools, which claims to improve learning by a series of exercises. But the scientific basis is deeply flawed, which has…...
Gifted Children
Gifted children are those with high intelligence or talent. Giftedness is hard to define and measure. It may lead to difficulties as cognitive development outstrips…...
Growing up Bilingual
Children's brains are flexible and ideally suited to learning more than one language from an early age. The benefits to brain power are lifelong....
How Teachers Can Improve Brain Skills
Teachers play an important role in helping children develop brain skills. Learn what can help....
Is Intelligence Inherited
Twin studies and adoption studies have shown that intelligence is primarily inherited, and brain scans show remarkable similarities between family members....
Is Language a Purely Human Trait?
Language is a function that is unique to humans, and is handled by the left brain in a complex and fascinating way....
Literacy and Your Brain
Learning to read doesn't just open up access to activities that help brain skills. It also changes the structure of important parts of your brain....
Methamphetamine and Brain Function
New studies on methamphetamine show it takes time to regain brain skills in adults, and can harm brain skills after prenatal exposure....
Mother's Milk Gives Kids a Higher IQ
New research shows that babies who are breastfed might have a cognitive advantage over babies who receive formula milk....
Motor Skills
The process whereby our brain controls even our simplest movements is incredibly complex, involving interactions between many different brain regions....
Myths and Facts About Early Brain Development
There are a lot of myths about how our brains develop, often promoted by those who are selling a product that they claim will make children cleverer....
Optimise Your Child's Cognitive Development
You can affect your child's brain development even before conception, and maternal nutrition and behaviour, as well as childhood nutrition and emotional environment…...
Parental Mistakes in Training Kids
We all make mistakes when training kids but by avoiding the biggest ones, you can help your children to develop their brain kills and succeed as adults....
Pregnancy: Tips for a Brainy Child
Helping give your child strong brain skills starts when you are pregnant and should keep going right after birth....
Social Skills
Our social skills are crucial for determining positive and successful interactions. Basic social abilities are innate, but several techniques exist for improving…...
Top Ten Ways to Raise Smarter Kids
If you've ever wondered how you can help your kids develop their brain skills, then read on to find out the top ten ways to raise smarter kids....